The Prince of Wales's Leinster Regiment (Royal Canadians) Association

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40/10 Journal

40/10 May 2007
40/10 Nov 2007
40/10 June 2008
40/10 Dec 2008
40/10 July 2009
40/10 Dec 2009
40/10 July 2010
40/10 Dec 2010
40/10 Dec 2011

The Association Journal 40/10 ISBN 1753-8246 was introduced in 2007 and is normally published two times a year with target dates of May/June and Nov/Dec. The first volume was published in May 2007.

A single edition was published in 2011 as a combined Winter 2011  edition and distributed to members in January 2012
The next edition, that will also be a combined edition, is scheduled for distribution to members in February 2013

All Association members who have paid their annual subscription receive a personal copy of the Journal via postal mail.

Forty-Ten is published in a Journal style and content is a mix of articles of historical research, news of events and personal correspondence from members.

Copies of the 40/10 Journal are available on the Association's web site in Adobe Reader PDF format up to the edition prior to current, i.e. the current edition will not be available online. When an edition of 40/10 is available online there will be a link in the sidebar. To view an online edition will require Adobe Reader to be installed on the viewing PC. Images and text in the online version are optimised for web viewing and are of a much lower quality than the printed copy. Online editions have a file size of approximately 2MB.

Any member can submit an item for publication; articles from non-members are accepted provided they relate to or have connection with the Prince of Wales's Leinster Regiment. Photographs intended for publication should either be a printed photograph (photographs will be returned) or a digital photograph saved in TIF or JPEG format at 300 DPI. Photographs saved in "jpeg email" format are not suitable as the print quality is too poor. If in doubt please contact the editor.

Editorial Team

Don Dickson (Editor)
Lt. Col Nick Weekes (Associate Editor)
Ian Lowe (Association historian)

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Copyright © 2006-13 Prince of Wales' Leinster Regiment Association. Last modified: 04-Aug-2013